Tuesday 17 November 2015

We were all winners

And the winner is ... a delighted Graham Betty with some of the good stuff
Golf Day 2015 has come and gone and once again it was a success, sort of. The final tally must still be made, but it looks as if we'll bank in the vicinity of R25 000, thanks to the great efforts of a few.
     What we really need to make the Golf Day work, is more players. So either we all start practicing before the meeting tomorrow morning and every Wednesday thereafter, or each one of us should start looking for a fourball amongst friends and acquaintances for next year.
     Thanks to Linda and Greg, the club provided more than three quarters of the eventual 40 players, with the final two fourballs coming from Mike MacDonald of Rivonia Toyota.
     The raffle for the Barrow of Booze also went extremely well, netting over R12000. Thanks again, Linda.
     The barrow eventually went to Graham Betty, a Matric boy from Johannesburg. Graham, who assured us that he is over 18, was particularly eyeing the 5l beer keg courtesy of Heineken, but has resolved to not touch it until after the exams.
     Thanks to sponsors such as Sage, BBM, Scan, the Melville Spa, Koljander and Impala Meat and with the help of the Parkview Golf Club, the day was a success. Thanks also to Jenine and Jankees for sponsoring the meals at the halfway stage.
     A big thank you also to everybody who could take a bit of time off to help on the day, most notably Linda, Frayne, Joan, Paul, Hugh, Greg and Debbie.
Old friends ... how nice it was to see Graham and Steve
Linda and Greg thanking the guests and spponsors
Coming up: This week's speaker is Elana Friedman from Magical Moments, an organization that helps make children's dreams come true. 
     It promises to be an inspirational talk, so come one and all.

Dates to remember:

  • Sunday afternoon is the Taste of Yeoville tour. Linda will be finalizing the list at the meeting tomorrow.
  • The Christmas dinner is on Friday, 4th December. The invitations will be going out soon.
  • The last meeting of the year is the Wednesday after that, on 9th December. We'll be skipping four meetings and reconvene on Wednesday, 13th January 2016.
Thought for the week: Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought. - John F. Kennedy, 35th US president (1917-1963)

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