Monday 23 November 2015

A Taste of Yeoville

First we take Yeoville ... the Rotarians rarin' to go

Frayne gives directions to the guide James ...
... while Linda conducts business

Whatever could he be boasting about? The size of his fish?
The Taste of Yeoville tour on Sunday afternoon was a great success, as can be seen by these photographs. The group got to visit the Dlala Nje project in Ponte City before setting off for Rockey Street in Yeoville/Berea. After viewing the sunset from the Yeoville Koppies they got down to some serious African eating, and just in case you thought the area has tamed down, even witnessed a bar fight.

The first stop was a bar with a saxophonist and a wannabe Nina Simone singing smooth jazz. The meal was pap, liver and a colorful array of salads, with each color representing a day of the week.
At the second restaurant, which served Cameroonian food, a whole fish with chips was served to each customer, with Julian and Linda looking a bit green around the gills. Deafening music accompanied the meal.

Between meals there was time to visit the vibrant Yeoville markets and it was like stepping into a different, but completely unthreatening world.

To continue the otherworldly theme, the club was visited by a fairy last week in the form of Elana Friedman from the organization Magical Moments. She told how she quit the corporate world after she and her husband were hijacked, and came up with the idea of spreading a bit of joy in the form of magical moments for underprivileged kids. Her motto? Faith, trust and fairy dust!

It was an inspirational talk and the feeling was that the club should get involved in some way, as there is a bit of spare money in the bank.

Dates to diarise: There is no meeting on Wednesday for those who cannot make it to the Bryanston Sports Club for breakfast with the District Governor. If you can make it, be there by 6.30. Let Jankees know beforehand, so that he can pass the numbers on to Steve Margo, who is organizing the breakfast. The New Dawn board will meet with the DG on Wednesday afternoon.

Wednesday, 2 December: Megan Maynard is the speaker. Ian Widdop will bring her to the club and she will be telling us a bit more about The Link Literacy Project.

Friday, 4th December: The annual Christmas dinner. Please be there, and please pay and let Sam Donet know, otherwise we'll be eating chicken instead of turkey! If you have something that will work for the auction, please let Mike know.

Wednesday, 9th December will be the last meeting of the year. The first meeting in the new year will be on January 13th.

A thought for the week: If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers. - Thomas Pynchon, writer (b. 1937)

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