Monday 30 November 2009

Our Penultimate Meeting............

At the time of writing I don't know who our speaker is for this week so it will be a surprise! A big thank you to Jonathan Erikson for last week's talk. It's not very often that someone talks about the ups and downs of what they do and I'm sure many of us could identify with some of the things he had to say.

Next week is our last meeting before the Festive Seasonal Break. Graham Donet has laid on a special Breakfast to mark the event so please confirm your attendance with him by Monday 7th December at the latest.

There is a Board Meeting on Monday 7th and much to my surprise, there are lots of things we need to discuss. This may mean that we will have to inject a bit of business into our last meeting.

The Friends of New Dawn

We have had a positive response for establishing the Friends particularly from members who are leaving at the end the year who would like to maintain contact with the Club and rejoin if circumstances change. I don't think there needs to be any criterion for being a Friend so just forward to me the email address of anyone you know who would like to be included.

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