Monday 23 November 2009

I tried to upload pictures of our two musicians last week but in big black letters I got Your Image is Corrupt. So instead I decided to include a picture of the Zion Sausage Queen who probably is corrupt and is no doubt in her 90's now!

What a fascinating talk we had last week. A big thank you to the Reverend Priscilla Everson and Marcelle Arnold for such an interesting presentation and Magi Fletcher for bringing the Sholene and Sholan Francis to play for us. What I particularly liked was the use of the arts to build up the ability to concentrate. So many children that I meet through the Scout Movement are unable to listen to anything for longer than about 10 seconds. I'm sure that the Uthingo Community Arts Centre is something we will certainly bear in mind in future planning.

I forwarded to Paul Kasango an interesting email from Shirley Downie. We are great distributors of food so from our Club's point of view it is tremendous that she has achieved this breakthrough!

Agency 6


Johannesburg New Dawn


Johannesburg North Central

Dear Presidents

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the Food Bank of South Africa has approved 10 Food agencies for Rotary D9300. The Food Bank does not normally allow more than two agencies from anyone organisation but following a meeting with their senior management, it was agreed that Rotary International D9300 would be allowed 10 agencies. They also agreed for us to allow the agencies to include a few clubs rather than just one club. Clubs have been put into clusters and our liaison at the Food Bank has now formally sent a message to his senior administrator to accept the conditions and the attached application form. (see below)

In order for as many clubs to benefit from this wonderful opportunity for free food, the Food Bank has also agreed to different terms and conditions that I proposed, rather than accept the terms that they have for their agencies.

Attached is the agency application form and the criteria and terms.

Below are a few suggestions – however, you can create your own strategy and plans amongst yourselves:

ü I suggest that representatives from each club meet as soon as possible and decide who/what/how you will manage the collection and administration of this project.

ü You decide on the beneficiaries of the food stuffs.

ü I suggest that you submit several identity documents when you submit your registration form. Only people that have submitted their ID documents will be recognised as the official representatives to collect the food to avoid fraudulent folks from saying that they are from your club or Rotary International.

ü Please also include an excel spreadsheet with the names, contact details, email addresses etc of everyone that will be involved with this project one way or another and submit this to the Food Bank with the application as well as distribute this amongst yourselves.

ü If you get a third party to collect the foodstuffs on behalf of your club(s), that is permissible, but then you need to obtain that person’s ID document and contact details etc and submit this on the form and include it on the excel spreadsheet as well.

Please send me as many photos as possible of the recipients of the foodstuffs and copy ‘thank you’ letters as I would like to send these to the Food Bank. They may put these on their website. We will certainly put these on our website. We would also like to submit an article to Rotary Africa with loads of photos and captions in the new year.

This project will only be successful if we stick to the rules! Normally, you should be collecting every day! However, I did mention to Jan that this may not be possible with many clubs and would they consider reducing the number of collection days and they agreed to this (Say a min. of two collections per week).

Jan also mentioned to me that he would soon be receiving loads of mielie meal. Once he advises me, I will let all the clubs know about this.

I wish you all the best of luck with this project. If there is a club that is not able to participate for any reason, please let me know. It will be treated with confidence.

Best wishes


PDG Shirley Downie

District 9300: 2007/2008

Reach Out to Africa: 2008/2010: Sub-committee

WASRAG: PR & Communications for

South and East Africa

D9300 Chairperson: PR & Communications Committee

D9300 Chairperson: Health & Hunger Committee

Cel +27 083 308 0042

Fax 086 694 9072

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