Monday 7 December 2009

Janet Landey...what energy!

It was almost impossible to take in everything that Janet Landey is involved with...whew. It was a fascinating talk as it showed how "events"could be used for the benefit of the Community and what had grown out of it and that is certainly encouraging when we look to the future of our Club.
Thanks Janet for showing us what can be done.
As you can see most of us looked a bit dazed by it all!

The Board had to recommend a couple of Projects that would attract overseas funding so that the DG Elect, Francis Callard, and his team can look for possible overseas sponsors. We decided that CCCCC & the Uthingo Community Art Centre would be the two projects that we would recommend. Mike Vink is drawing up the necessary profiles.

Club Assembly

Saturday 23rd January has been set aside for a Club Assembly to decide the way forward for the Club. We will be having a Board Meeting on 11th January to plan the presentations. Please put this date in your diary now as this is the decision making meeting that will decide what we aim to do for the rest of the Rotary Year with implications for the years ahead.

Don't forget to confirm with Graham your attendance on Wednesday as he needs to know for catering purposes.

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