Sunday 16 August 2009

Rotary Spring Charity Walk, the Saturday Wine Event & Mike Thiel

At the last meeting we decided to enter the Rotary Spring Charity Walk to raise funds for the Club through Back-a-Buddy. Allan Beuthin will explain what you have to do. He has already set everything up for you to register and go ahead selling yourself to your friends all over the world! Click here to get an entry form.

We have scaled down next Saturday's Wine Event and
moved it to Le Soufflet at Pineslopes in Fourways. At the last count there are some 22 people going.

Our speaker this week, Mike Thiel, is Principal of The
Dominican Convent School in Belgravia. We
sent 3 of his pupils?....oops not pupils...students? to RYLA. (See the post below)

Maybe they would like to have an Interact Club?

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