Sunday 16 August 2009

An Interesting Talk and RYLA.

Chris Jennings really made us think about training for emerging builders and we all wondered what we can do to help make this a possibility. I hope he appears at meetings as this will give us all the chance to chat to him more about it. Thanks for the valuable input from the Club.
Thank you Allan & Sue for repositioning the flags. They look as if they mean something in their new position.

We sponsored 5 students to RYLA from The Dominican Convent School and Sekolo Sa Berokga. Ian Widdop and Joan Donet were very successful in arranging this and following up afterwards. Here are some of the comments!

Kgomotso Sefume

Dear Rotary

At camp I learned how to work with other learners, how to combine ideas and most importantly, I learned to make friends. I’m a very shy person by nature and interacting with other people is never easy for me. I honestly hate group work because I prefer doing thing my own way. But at the camp that changed, I enjoyed working with other learners, combining ideas with them and eventually making them my friends.

It improved my thinking skills, fitness (Treasure Hunt), and it changed the way I see things in general. I’m more positive about things and what I want to achieve, also how to go about getting it. It also helped me trust people a lot more because I’m not that trusting and I don’t open up easily (the night snake activity).

Thank you for giving us this opportunity. A lot of good come out of it and it was so much fun. I really that other children my age will want to attend the RYLA camps, they are the best!

Brian Shabangu

1. What was the most outstanding issue/topic?

It was the topic about communication. This stood out for me because I had to listen to other people’s idea and go along with them. I’m not used to that, I usually come up with ideas. This leads me to my second favourite topic which was teamwork. I got teamed up with people who share same qualities like I have. At first we struggled everyone had idea, suggestion, opinions and no one was willing to listen to the other. But as hours pasted by and we did more activities together we started to understand each other and this made up work more comfortable and effective with each other.

2. What did I learn at the camp?

Learn how to make people listen to me and how to effectively listen to them. Basically I learn who to work in a team. I learnt that we are different and have different talents. And being a leader actually means bringing all these different qualities together and using them to complete a certain challenge. I learnt that you shouldn’t be afraid of change. Instead don’t change along with time, rather stay trye to yourself. I learnt so much these pages aren’t enough.

3. Would I recommend the camp to others?

Definitely, for sure!! I got challenged at this camp in more ways than one. It has made me look at life in a more positive way. It has encouraged me to become the best leader I can be. For me it has done a lot and to the other learners we were with. It has shown me how much we can achieve if we work together.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you again for infinity for this opportunity. Thank you again!!

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