Sunday 23 August 2009

Mike Thiel, Soccer, Spring Walk & the Wine Evening

Here's Mike Thiel addressing the club last week. A very interesting talk on what The Dominican Convent School in Belgravia is seeking to achieve plus other comments on eduction in South Africa. As Principal of the School Mike turned out to be neither a nun nor a Catholic! We were delighted that he is interested in Interact.

A source of disappointment to some was that the soccer team we are sponsoring at Christ Church Shelter in Hillbrow needs strip rather like that of the Magpies. Newcastle United have few supporters!

Congratulations to Ian Widdop in moving ahead with the soccer team and Jankees Sligcher in instantly finding R8 000 funding to pay for the strip.

The Saturday Wine Evening was great fun. Everyone enjoyed themselves and we may have gained a couple of potential members as a result. Unfortunately we didn't make much money.

Don't forget to register for the Rotary Spring Charity Walk on Sunday 6th September. The link for the entry form is on last week's post. Then, after you have registered link up with Back-a-Buddy. This is what Allan Beuthin has to say:

Dear New Dawners, Please find below a suggested description of the New Dawn fundraising campaign to be inserted in your Rotary Spring Walk appeal page when you register as Charity Champions on BackaBuddy.

If you would like to participate, simply visit, and click on ‘I Want to be a Charity Champion’, then follow the registration process. You may wish to insert a photo, your fundraising target and the suggested narrative onto your free fundraising page. Simply cut and paste the paragraphs highlighted below, then e-mail the appeal by clicking on; ‘Share this site’..

The Rotary Club of Johannesburg New Dawn has selected homelessness as one of the causes which they would like to support as it encompasses a range of social and developmental challenges where we believe our members can make a difference. Food Security, primary healthcare, adult literacy, skills development for employment and job creation all form part of the homeless solution.

The Sisters of Mercy started the shelter concept in 1993 and now have shelters in Rosebank, Soweto, Berea, and Kerk Street, accommodating 230 people nightly, all desperately in need of our help.

Feel free to invite family and friends to join us on the 6th September at the Modderfontein venue.

Please let me know if you would like any further information,

With kind regards


If you are not walking please sponsor one of our members who is.

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