Sunday, 1 March 2020


It is normal in a growing club such as ours, that new and existing members would need updated information on our Projects, as they are dynamic in their nature.  Our President, Judy Sligcher felt that it was time to hold a Project Meeting to update all members, both new and old on the current state of our projects.  

This also gives our members the opportunity to see where they can offer their experience and knowledge to ensure the smooth running of our projects.

President Judy reinforced the Six Focus Areas of Rotary prior to the start of the meeting, namely:

The Six Focus Areas of Rotary

She then handed over to Carl Chemaly (Head of Projects), to lead the meeting.

Carl reiterated that generally all our projects are in need of funds and it was important for members to see where they can use their talents in supporting and strengthening the projects.

Head of Projects, Carl Chemaly, leading the meeting
  1. Project Realema (Project Owner - Carl Chemaly)   The major need is fundraising followed by mentoring and training where members could offer their skills and experience.  This is a large and effective project, offering comprehensive bursaries to talented and hard-working black pupils who could not otherwise afford a tertiary degree, to study for a Bachelor of Education degree through Unisa, while gaining valuable work experience as full-time teacher interns at top schools.  Any assistance from members would be most welcome and contact can be made through Carl.  This project could qualify for a Global Grant and in doing so would need an International Partner Club to leverage the funds raised.
  2. Project Donate-a-Loo  (Project Owner - Helen Bramwell)  The major need is also fundraising, then the identification of qualifying new sites (schools) with a need also to assist in painting of the toilets.  David Marshall is in charge of the technical aspects of the project and would be the one to approach should you wish to assist with painting or maintenance work.  Helene and Adele Dabbs would be the people to contact to assist with the identification of schools.  This project currently has limited resources and could also qualify for a Global Grant.  A possibility exists of involving Nick Bell's Club in the UK to partner in a Global Grant.
  3. Campaign for Financial Independence in Africa (Project Owner - Audrey Gatawa)  In terms of project resources a structure does exist but there are not many hands on deck at the moment.  Money and sponsors are required and this project would also qualify for a Global Grant.  A possibility exists to involve DGN Christopher Forster from Sierra Leone as an International partner for a Global Grant.  Those members wishing to get involved should contact Audrey Gatawa.  
  4. The Link Trust  (Project Owner Ian Widdop)  This project has good project resources and we have been involved for a number of years, with a Global Grant already allocated.  Volunteers are need for one on one mentorship in Literacy and Numeracy.  A possibility exists to apply for a Global Grant to fund a mobile library.  Contact Ian Widdop.
  5. Meriting (Project Owner Ian Widdop)  The project resources as defined as thin and in an embryonic status.  Needs are funds, teacher, facilitators and mentors.  This project would also qualify for a Global Grant and is in need of an International Partner.  Please contact Ian for further information.
  6. Woodside Sanctuary  (Project Owner Paul Kasango)  This project has good resources and is well run and caters for profoundly mentally and physically handicapped people of all ages.  Needs are substantial and are focussed on toiletries, funds and regular visits.  Field trips are always welcome.  Some funding is received from the Government.
General -  
There are a number of other ongoing projects that were not raised in the meeting, but are covered in the "Project Line-up:  End February 2020" sent out by Ian Widdop.  
These include the folllowing:
  • Libraries (Amina Frense)
  • Copessa (Karlien Kruger)
  • Christ Church Christian Care Centre (Judy Symons)
  • Zoo lake playground (David Marshall)
  • Humanitarian Centre  (Amina Frense)
  • SA Golf Association (Mike MacDonald)
The various Project Owners can be contacted for more information or offers of support.

In respect of Global Grants - these are a solid resource of funding from leveraging funds raised with International Rotary Clubs and a multiplier effect of 4-5 times through the Rotary Foundation.  Those members with contacts with International Clubs should discuss with those Clubs the opportunity to partner with New Dawn.  The catch is that they are administratively time consuming.  If you would like to offer your services to assisting with Global Grants on behalf of our projects, please contact Ian Widdop.

Julian Nagy made the point that we need well described projects with their needs clearly outlined in detail.  David Marshall said that it was important that those members or organisations donating money to also assist with donating time and effort.

Rtn Audrey Gatawa with DGN for West Africa Christopher Forster

Thought for the week:  Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision.  The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organisational objectives.  It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.  Dale Carnegie (1888 - 1955)

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