Tuesday 7 June 2016

Friends Old and New

They're back! President Jankees and Judy Sligcher returned home at the weekend after their visit to the Rotary International Convention in Seoul, South Korea, the first New Dawn members to attend an RI Convention. By all accounts it was great fun and very insightful.
Judy making sure that's wine in the bottle!
     Jankees has returned from the convention, attended by some 45 000 delegates, with, as usual, great enthusiasm and a pocket full of new contacts from all over the world.
     He'll be sharing their insights gained at the convention with the club tomorrow.
     Lucille Blumberg will also address the club on her Hluvekani project, so it should be a productive meeting.
Linda listens attentively while PP Steve explains
     Last week's meeting was also a fun one with three visitors: Past President Steve du Plessis and prospective members Judy Symons and Mike MacDonald joined us.
     Steve explained a bit more about the e-club and all the success it has achieved in a very short time. There's no doubt they're on a route that Rotary will be following in the years to come, but somehow the weekly meeting and all the banter and fellowship that goes with it, remain a big attraction to many members.
     But keep up the good work, Steve!
Judy Symons has already submitted her CV, which will be discussed at the board
 meeting next Monday, and then circulated to the club
Playing hard to get ... Mike MacDonald is weighing his options about joining the
club as he's not sure about having enough time to devote to Rotary
    Steve du Plessis is not the only ex-member to put in a guest appearance in the past week, as Linda and I and the Donets bumped into Peter and Jean James-Smith at the theatre two weeks ago, and then again at the opening of the Rosebank Rotary art fair at Hyde Park Corner last Thursday, where none other that ex-member Hugh Rix was serving as a barman!
At the theatre ... the Donets (Graham is another ex-member) and Peter
and Jean James-Smith
At the art fair; Mike, Graham, Joan and Linda
     The art fair was an eye-opener as it was clear that artworks by popular artists had sold out before the opening and prices seemed very reasonable. The Rosebank club nets 30% of all proceeds. A lot of good works can be done with that money!
     Presidential induction: The invitations will be going out in the next few days, but please diarise Friday, 1 July, 6.30 for 7.00 pm at Twickenham Guest House.
    A Thought for the Week: A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. - Winston Churchill (1874-1965)



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