Monday 30 May 2016

Rotarians Far and Wide

It's not unusual to find Rotarians from New Dawn traveling far and wide and this past week was no exception.
     While New Dawn President and District Governor Nominee Jankees and DGNA (I think that's the right title!) Judy Sligcher were in Seoul, Amina was enjoying the pleasures of Amsterdam and London and Carol was discovering Portugal.
Jenine and her SABC boss Maurice Mate being interviewed by Leanne Manas on Morning Live last week
     For once Jenine stayed away from war and disaster zones, and could be seen on TV bragging about Channel Africa's 50th birthday.
     Jankees and Judy were in South Korea for the Rotary International convention, along with almost 50 000 Rotarians from all over the world.
Jankees and Judy practice the modern art of selfies!
Jankees and Judy with District 9400s Annemarie Mostert and some new friends
Judy with a new friend from Cape Town and PDG Anton Meerkotter
     Making new friends and experiencing the power of Rotary were the lasting impression that the Sligchers got from the convention, which was opened by UN Secretary-general Ban-ki Moon and attended by the prime ministers of Sri Lanka (the homeland of present RI president Ravi Ravindran) and South Korea.
     For those interested in attending an RI convention, the next one is in Atlanta in June next year, and there is a special reduction in registration fees on at the moment.
     Frayne and I attended the final breakfast meeting of DGR Steve Margo in Sandton last weekend while the New Dawn team of Linda, Johan and Greta were selling blankets outside the Spar shop in Parkview.
     They had a very successful day on Saturday followed by a more difficult one on Sunday when Linda and Frayne tackled the task alone.
Saturday's team of Greta, Linda and John netted R5 600 for blankets
Help arrived on Saturday in the form of Lucille and Jenine. No under they did so well!
Frayne and Linda pounding the pavements. For some reason Sunday was
 a quiet day in Parkview and the duo collected R2 600
     The club has so far netted R16 710, enough for 238.7 blankets, easily beating the target we set of 200 blankets. This was also thanks to the 23 that Debbie Smith sold, and the 5 that Katinka paid for at the meeting last week.
     Of course, if the promise of 5 000 Euros that was made to Debbie does materialize, we'll have an extra 1 500 blankets.
     A Thought for the Week: Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness. - Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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