Saturday 26 July 2014

Telemedicine - AG - 5th Wednesday - Good News

Wednesday was most interesting, Tanya du Toit and Raymond Tromba from Dhanush Infotech were our speaker team and Tanya did an excellent job telling us about Telemedicine and how patients can be reached (or diagnosed) without the physician being there. Technology is just amazing, what will be next? Should you be interested to find out more, email Steve and he will put you in contact with Tanya.

5th Wednesday
Next week being a 5th Wednesday, there will be no breakfast. The decision was made to do a potluck at a member's house. Debbie and Greg kindly offered to be our first hosts on 31 July (Thursday at 19h00), please notify Katinka of your attendance and the dish you will bring.

Ferdi arrived in time for breakfast and it was great having the AG around. 

Good News
The great news (never-mind good) is that our PP Jankees is out of hospital. After a huge operation and a second innings in the OR, he was released to pester Judy at home. We wish Jankees a speedy recovery and "PLEASE!!" take it easy.

Here is the Twinning certificate between us, New Dawn and the RC of Lüderitz in Namibia. May our partnership Light up Rotary and be a beacon to all.

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