Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Black Swan, Free Me, Goats, Blankets & Polio-plus

We haven't had a blog for a week as there was no Wednesday Meeting last week, instead we had dinner at The Black Swan in Sophia Town.
It was a most successful social function as it was a warm friendly environment...great open fires.  The food was excellent and we took our own wine.
Apparently the owners had a pair of Black Swans who became aggressive and territorial so had to be given to the Zoo,, otherwise there would be no customers!

The interior is eclectic but comfortable.  Pictures courtesy of our renowned photographer, Jenine Coetzer.
 And the diners jolly and eccentric.

Free Me Wildlife Rehabilitation Unit
The last Wednesday meeting was a fascinating one.  I certainly didn't realise the number of different species of wild animals that run around Johannesburg gardens!  The Rehabilitation Centre is not open to the public but we have been invited as a group.  I see they have a social event this Friday:

Please join us this Friday (Public Holiday 9th, 4:30pm) for a Free Me "Social Get-Together" at the Rietfontein Nature Reserve. The Friends of Rietfontein will be leading a guided walk to the top of the ridge to enjoy a spectacular view over the city with a glass of your favourite vino. Pack a picnic basket or bring a bottle to toast the reserve and enjoy the sunset over Sandton. 

Business Meeting
We have a Business Meeting this week and at the last Board Meeting it was decided that there should be a meeting once a month on Rotary itself.  We have two speakers this month but there have been some changes so I am not sure quite what is happening.  If the Rotarians who have arranged the meetings will please come back to me with details.

An Email from Jankees Sligcher...he's back here now!

Although I would have loved to be at that meeting and seeing you all after our trip to Indonesia ,my son and partner had other idea's and on Wednesday morning I will be at 06.00 h in a plane to Zimbabwe, where we mat find some more business.
The trip to Indonesia, was very interesting although sometimes a bit scary traffic wise (one big traffic jam from Jakarta to the east coast of Java – 950 Km)
The good news is that Judy and I visited the RC of Bali Seminyak last Wednesday and met among their speakers a Lady by the name of Robin Lin, who was the CNN "hero" of the year 2011.
She is an icon in the field of community health development for the "Bumi Sehat" foundation,

An other of the RC Seminyak projects is to provide goats, as a means of income to rural families..Milk, kids and meat. Something worth looking at in SA although maybe not with goats (erosion).
We bought a goat on behalf of RC New Dawn and named it you guessed it "New Dawn"

Hope to see you all next week.

Best regards,


Malvern St Vincent de Paul Society sent me photos of people receiving some of the blankets we donated to them.  How nice!  

New York Times’ polio eradication story highlights Rotary’s role

The New York Times has published a major front-page story about the polio eradication effort in Pakistan, one of three remaining polio-endemic countries. The article highlights Rotary’s leadership role, focusing on the contributions of Pakistani Rotarians, led by National PolioPlus Committee Chair Aziz Memon. Rotarians are portrayed as dedicated and courageous front-line volunteers, despite sometimes facing personal risks. The story also mentions International PolioPlus Committee Chair Robert Scott’s trip to Pakistan in March.

While the story discusses recent setbacks and challenges in Pakistan’s efforts to eradicate polio, the overall tone is cautiously optimistic.

Another recent story in The Wall Street Journal reported on the extension of the partnership between Rotary and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in support of polio eradication.
These articles are the latest in a series of major international stories about Rotary and polio eradication in the past 18 months by BBC TV, The EconomistTime magazine, and other influential media outlets.
This top tier media coverage enhances the work of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative by raising the public awareness and support that are crucial as Rotary and its partners implement the endgame strategic plan to achieve our goal of a polio-free world.

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