Sunday 7 November 2010

A Business Meeting, Gidon Judes & a Peace Scholar's Photographs.

It's the Business Meeting!  And quite a social one as well!  We only had two members not present and that is quite an achievement with our globe trotting membership.  Over the last few weeks members have visited Lesotho, Saudi Arabia, Holland, Australia, Madagascar, Israel and they are in Johannesburg, temporarily!

A second Interact Club is on the horizon and there is good progress with fund raising and projects.  The successful Membership Meeting is already beginning to bare fruit and at this rate we may even exceed our target for the end of June next year!

It's our Member Speaker Week.  Gidon Judes who will be talking about Marketing Search Engines.  It will be interesting to hear what he has to say because I am sure that most of us have a tendency just to use Google.  I'm sure there are Horses for Courses in the search engine world so I'm looking forward to hearing what I should be using!

Through the Lens

Michel Huneault finds photography a perfect fit with his work in development and peace-building. During the past 10 years. the former Rotary Peace Fellow (UC Berkeley 2002-04) has served with the Canadian International Development Agency in Afghanistan and as an independent observer on electoral monitoring missions in Bangladesh, Bolivia, Haiti, Ukraine, and the West Bank.
Huneault has worked as a photographer on behalf of magazines, development organizations, and art institutions and received several photography awards in Canada, France, and Germany. In 2010, he became an artist in residence at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre in Wales, with the support of a Quebec Arts Council grant, to produce his first solo exhibition, due to open in March.
Huneault donated three of his works for a silent auction at the RIBI (Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland) Conference in April as part of a fundraiser to permanently endow a Rotary Peace Fellowship in the name of Past RI President Bill Huntley.
The peace fellowships have created “a very strong and ever fresh community of peacemakers,” Huneault says. “This network has allowed me to have a greater impact and achieve more professionally. It has contributed as well to my emotional stamina in what can be a very tough career psychologically. I have a network of colleagues that share the burden and can understand personal sacrifices it requires.”

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