Sunday 4 October 2009

The Radium and an Exchange Encounter.

Here we all are at the Radium last week with our ADG Terry Hime as well. It was a most enjoyable evening and the music was great though most people left after the first set........We didn't and the music is always better in the second set after a little lubrication etc....
This will give you an idea of what it's like there if you were unable to come. The food is not cheap and not great, the service doesn't really exist but there's no cover charge during the week. The best thing to do is to arrive at about 9,30 having eaten somewhere else and have a drink in the bar area and move closer when everybody in the eating area has left.

Joan Donet sent in an account of her encounter with an exchange student! Thanks, Joan.

Lucy Wifniewski (2nd from right) an exchange student from Mende, France, is currently being hosted by the Rotary Club of Durban North. Her host at the moment is Rtn Laura Donet (pictured 3rd from the right) of Durban North.

Lucy will be in South Africa for 10 months and is presently attending Maria Stella Convent in Durban North. Fortunately for her, Laura is able to speak French, and her host Rotary club also has a student from Belgium, so she there is someone else she can converse with in her home language.

Dinner on Saturday, 26 September 2009 (with Jankees, Paul, Graham, Joan and families)

Jankees sent me a CD with lots of soccer pictures of our team. Unfortunately they are so many MB's that it takes ages to download them. Here's one!

Business Meeting this week so you'll here what progress we are making.

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