Sunday 27 September 2009

The Radium, Jonathan, Soccer, Tracey & the Zoo

Don't forget to book with Andrew Smythe for Wednesday Evening as soon as possible. We have a booking for 20 people but I have a feeling that there will be more than that is that is why it is important.

Welcome to the Rotary Club of Johannesburg New Dawn, Jonathan Erickson!

Jankees Sligcher introduced
Jonathan to the
Club and here he is
just prior to his induction. Please note that I am wearing a jacket for the occasion!

Here's our soccer team after practice last week. Jankees took the picture by remote control as well as securing funding from overseas to sponsor the kit. Next to him is Gift Ntshangase who spoke to us the other week and who not only manages the team but the Christ Church Christian Hostel as well. They are hoping to play in the 2010 Street Children's World Cup next year. Thanks to Ian Widdop for arranging everything. We are having two badges made for the shirts to represent the two sponsors.

Tracey Matube is ill in hospital. She had an operation last Wednesday and will be in hospital for the next two weeks. We have sent her flowers from the Club. If you believe in such things include her in your prayers; if you don't just think of her anyway, the effect will no doubt be the same.

Something went wrong with Dominic Moss last week. He was on his plane back to South Africa during our breakfast. We will schedule his talk for sometime in October.

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