Sunday 24 May 2009

Thank you, Lucille, for what you've done here.

From: Gail Scher []
Sent: 20 May 2009 10:06 AM
To: Lucille blumberg
Subject: Wheelchairs


On behalf of the Paediatric Neurology Clinic of Chris Hani Baragwanath and Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Hospitals, I would like to thank you for the generous donation of 3 wheelchairs for our patients.

The 3 patients who will receive these wheelchairs are:

                Edward, age 9 years, who has Duchenne’s   Muscular Dystrophy. He is still ambulatory but falls often and is unable to walk long distances so his mother often has to carry him on her back.

                Sindiswa, age 11 years, also has Duchenne’s   Muscular Dystrophy, and is struggling to cope at school  getting from class to class and getting up once seated at his desk. As ths conditionis progressive,we are aware he is going to get worse.

                Sizakele, aged 17 years, has myotubular myopathy and is small for age. His mother has always carried him and now that she is getting older has developed back problems.


You would realize what a generous gift  these wheelchairs are if you would have seen the delight from these 3 families when I told them we could get them wheelchairs and on their behalf, I would like to express our gratitude to Rotary.


Kind regards

Dr Gail Scher

Paediatric Neurologist

CM Johannesburg Hospital and the University of the Witwatersrand.

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