Sunday 24 May 2009

Congratulations, Claudine!

Dear Claudine:

Congratulations! You have been elected to the board of directors of Rotarians for Hearing Regeneration. We all look forward to serving with you and learning more from you. In a few weeks I will send you some of our DVDs and brochures.  We will be updating our present brochure later this year and when we do I'll send some to you.

A suggestion was made at our board meeting tonight that we change our name to Rotarians for Hearing…..dropping Regeneration. That may not be exactly what you were thinking but it is perhaps half way. We did not act on it and will let the membership know and see the reaction or more suggestions may come.

I think eventually we may be able to help you with your project in some ways. We talked about it tonight and agreed to discuss again.

So, congratulations again and thanks for joining with us to help those with hearing loss in the best ways we can.


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