Wednesday 22 April 2009

President's Note

What a pleasure it is, this month, to just have to write a message to the members of the club and send it off to be inserted in our new blog – The Rising Sun.  Any of you who have ever tried to do a newsletter, or any such publication, in MS Word will know what a trial that can be so thank you Peter for creating the blog and for keeping it up to date.  I encourage everyone to feel free to make submissions for inclusion.

I am writing this on the eve of our 4th democratic elections and what a vibe….  Jacob Zuma buoyed by his charges being dropped and Helen Zille by her award from JHB Rotary Club!!  Even Julius gets a mention as Chicken Man!

On the 6th May, we will be holding our first new member induction.  This is a very significant event and I would ask that we all do our best to ensure we attend and welcome the newcomers – Joan Donet & Tracey Matube.  (Claudine, I trust you have the tiaras ready!)  We are doing very well with our membership efforts so please keep up the good work.  It would be a great start to Peter’s year if his first duty as president was to induct some new members. 

The District 9300 Assembly is being held on Saturday 23rd May.  This is an important and worthwhile event and an opportunity for us all to meet other Rotarians & find out more about the organisation.  At this event, the incoming DG Beth Thomas will discuss her plans for the coming year and there will be workshops and focus groups on a variety of projects and programmes.

As this Rotary year winds down, I can already feel the excitement of the new year building in the wings. Projects we talk about now will happen in the new year – the GSE team from the Philippines, possible involvement in youth exchange, fund raising projects, wheelchair projects, etc.  and from now on also, the incoming board members will be attending board meetings so as to facilitate a seamless transfer in July – a great idea that I believe we should continue.

The first accounts have been sent out and it would be much appreciated if you would submit your subs timeously as we have a few accounts to pay. 



Thanks Don for this link to the Susan Boyle video.....Wonderful!

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