Tuesday 28 April 2009

Magaliesberg Train Trip, Monday 27th April

It really was a strange sight, hundreds of people waiting on Maraisburg Station platform on a public holiday morning.  We all received a food parcel for the trip wrapped up in a checked handkerchief that included two little bottles of sparkling wine.  Here are Claudine & Edward Storbeck clutching their food parcels and Caleb and Joshua at the same time.  The more wine was consumed the more sociable the trip became.  Here's Don bartering cheese for more wine!.
Our engine was named Susan and happily puffed away to Magaliesberg Station without incident.  

We arrived at about 11,00 and some of us scoured the village for something of value without success other than Claudine who was seen busy shopping for clothes for the family. 

A welcome break from the Jumping Castle!

Lunch at the hotel was basic but satisfying in that strange way that these things are.  I would never have slightly caramelised pumpkin at home but I really enjoy it in these situations.

Don bought a book to present to the DG after every club had signed a section of it.
No comment on the book but as you may know Don & Arthur are buying a flat on the Houghton/Norwood border.  

This teaset is the ideal house-warming present for them.

On the way back Susan proved to be
 unreliable and we were stranded outside
 Krugersdorp until 4 diesels arrived to tow us back.  The delay was compounded by Susan's bearings overheating so that they had to be greased at Krugersdorp before we could continue. 

 We eventually arrived over 3 hours late but even those with children didn't seem to mind. 

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