Thursday, 3 August 2023

The Parkview Fairways Await

With 28 four balls showing interest, and in most cases much more than just a little interest, there could easily be more than 100 golfers teeing off on the Rotary Club of Johannesburg New Dawn Golf Day to be held at the Parkview Golf Club on Friday, 25 August.

Mike MacDonald, the main organiser, says invoices for some R50 000 to R60 000 have already been sent out.

That doesn't mean that the work is done, though. Although a number of holes have been "sold" to sponsors, many more are still available at R5000 per hole, so if you have friends, family or contacts in the corporate world, you'll be doing the club a huge favour by persuading them to come join in the fun.

    The fairways await ... the Parkview Golf Club, home of the New Dawn Golf Day 0n 25 August

The golf day is traditionally New Dawn's biggest single fundraising event of the year and without these funds the club cannot function properly.

Along with the raffle, the sponsorships make up the most of the profit to the club as there are considerable costs involved in terms of green fees, halfway house meals and the prize giving dinner.

The raffle has already netted about R5000, so please get selling. Forms are available from Linda Vink and the first prize is the traditional wheelbarrow full of wine, beer, spirits and other drinks. The Barrow of Booze has always been a very popular prize.

                                        Greg Smith and Mike MacDonald, co-founders of the golf day

Members can also contribute by bringing bottles for the wheelbarrow or contributing towards the prizes that the golfers take home. Speak to Linda Vink, Adele Dabbs or Mike MacDonald if you have ideas on how we can maximise our efforts before the big day.

Carol Stier will once again sponsor the main prize(s) - one for each of the players in a four-ball. Members have until he meeting on Wednesday, 23 August to bring contributions to the club.

                         Babette Gallard and Paul Chinn at the Cleanup Day at Delta Park last year

World Cleanup Day on 16 September is also looking to be a record breaking effort for New Dawn under the leadership of Babette Gallard and Paul Chinn.

Paul reported that more than 60 organisations are now on board and that both Soweto and Alexandra will be full participants in 2023.

What started as the All Spruits Cleanup Day has now moved way beyond the Braamfontein Spruit (although that is still very much part of the mix) and is set to become a major South African participant in World Cleanup Day.

              Joan Sainsbury with Glen Meyer and Weza Solange (now in charge of social media) at the meeting

President Mbali Zulu announced that six Soweto wards and their councillors had signed up already and that the cleanup day there will be rounded off by a Party with a Purpose on the Saturday evening to reward the participants. It will be held at Lebo's Backpackers, once a dump site itself.

President Mbali said each of the wards would involve at least one school to try to raise awareness for the benefits of a clean environment.

                        President Mbali Zulu, Adele Dabbs and IPP Julian Nagy

The meeting was also the first opportunity to hand over her Paul Harris Society certificate and pin to Adele Dabbs, first announced at Mbali Zulu's inauguration in Soweto at the end of June.

In thanking the club for the honour, Adele said: "I don't like the limelight unless I'm arguing or fighting!"

IPP Julian Nagy emphasised her work with the Donate a Loo project and the painting and renovation of music rooms at the National School of Art in Braamfontein as an unprecedented contribution.

Next Week: There will be no meeting next Wednesday, as 9 August is National Women's Day.

A Thought for the Week: I have never thought much of the courage of a lion tamer. Inside the cage he is at least safe from other men. There is not much harm in a lion. He has no ideals, no religion, no politics, no chivalry, no gentility; in short, no reason for destroying anything that he does not want to eat. - George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950)

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