Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Bring Booze for the Barrow!

A lot of work needs to be done during the coming week ahead of the first Club Assembly on Saturday morning.
     This will be held at Twickenham Guest House, at 8.30 for 9 am. Tea, coffee, scones and muffins will be served and we aim to begin promptly at 9 am.
     It is the first of what is supposed to be four club assemblies during a Rotary year, although not all need to be as formal.
     I will be giving a report back on the DGs visit and introducing the financials for the year (we need to make a decision on whether to increase club dues) but after that the focus will be on membership and fundraising.
     District Governor Grant Daly reminded us in no uncertain terms during his visit last week that we have pledged to grow membership to (at least) 25.
Spot the odd-man-out ... all wearing red ties are from left District Governor Elect Jankees Sligcher, District Governor Representative Christopher Thompson, Past President Steve du Plessis from the E-Club (there as representative of the Health Days) and District Governor Grant Daly. President Mike Vink forgot his tie at home!
     The DG's visit went well, but he did also take the opportunity to remind us that there are two extra "expectations" for funding for The Rotary Foundation in this the centennial year; every Rotarian is being asked to personally contribute $26,50, the amount with which the Rotary Foundation was founded. Clubs are also being asked to contribute an extra $536 each over and above their normal giving, representing the approximate present value of $26,50.
DG Grant Daly hands over a banner with this years' Rotary Theme, chosen by RI President John F, Germ, Rotary Serving Humanity, to President Mike Vink
      DG Grant also highlighted a few other areas in which he thought Johannesburg New Dawn could pull up its collective socks. One of these is that there is no successor in place yet. It is something that must be addressed.
     As per previous practice, if you think anyone should be president, the procedure is to ask them if they're willing to stand, If they are, find a fellow club member to second the nomination, and put the name forward when called upon.
DGE Jankees Sligcher and DG Grant Daly discussing the RI convention in Atlanta next year

     DG Grant also called on members to attend his District Conference in Polokwane next year (the dates are 22-25 June 2017 at the Bolivia Lodge).
     He then handed over to DGE Jankees Sligcher, who appealed to members to consider attending the Rotary International conference in Atlanta, USA, next year. DGE Jankees and DGEA Judy Sligcher attended the conference in Seoul this year and were blown away by being amongst 45 000 Rotarians!
     The Atlanta, Georgia convention takes place from 10-14 June 2017.
Judy Sligcher, poses with District Governor Anns Nadine Daly at the meeting,
 a role Judy will be taking over for the next Rotary year
DGA Nadine with Lyn Collocott, present Assistant Governor for Johannesburg New Dawn, and an ex-member of the club.
     The DG visit went well and after the breakfast and board meetings, he went to visit the 5Cees along with myself and DGR Christopher Thompson. They were suitably impressed with the passion with which Pastor Mike Sunker and the rest of the staff strive against enormous odds to provide a decent home for 50-odd kids.  
     The club deserves a big thank you for making the visit such a success, especially those who could make it to the meeting.
     This week's speaker: Heather Mason is an American in love with Johannesburg, which she pours out in a blog. She'll be telling us how all this came about.
     Dates to remember: 1 - 4 September is the Jozi Book Fair; 16 September is the Night with the Stars; 30 September is the Golf Day. Please remember to bring Booze for the Barrow! Any excess bottles of wine or other liquor will be gladly accepted.
     The Thought for the Week comes from the land of Donald Trump: Give me your tired, your poor, / Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, / The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. / Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, / I lift my lamp beside the golden door! - Emma Lazarus, poet and playwright (1849-1887) [from a poem written to raise funds for building the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty]

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