Tuesday 3 May 2016

Many Thanks, Small Mercies

The blog this week is a reminder that there is a meeting tomorrow morning.
     Sam Varney will be the speaker. She's talking on the subject of malaria, a scourge that still affects large swathes of sub-Saharan Africa.
     Sam has addressed the club before, about their Ponte project, after which a number of members joined her on their Yeoville restaurant tour.
     There should be a good turnout at the meeting following the break last week.
     Two recent letters show that our good deeds don't take place unappreciated. The first is from Woodside Sanctuary to thank club members, under the guidance of Jenine Coetzer, for the generous donation of Easter Eggs. This was also done for the 5Cees in Berea, who have also thanked the club.
The Woodside letter
     The second letter comes from an old friend, Petrus Sibuyi, who has liaised with Lucille Blumberg for many years to help her provide wheelchairs, and in the latest case walking frames, to those who need them most.
     Through Petrous Lucille also arranged that 100 solar lights, donated by the motor manufacturer Mahindra, could be distributed to Grade 12 students at Mdluli High in Mpumalanga.
     Jenine and Lucille are two of our most active members and deserve all the accolades they get.
The letter of thanks from Petrus Sibuyi
Dates to Remember: Dates for the blanket drive have been amended, says Sam Donet. These are 21  and 22 May (Sam and Linda); and 28 and 29 May (Sam, Linda and Lucille on 28th and Sam and Linda on the 29th). The venue is the Parkview Spar, the times roughly 10 am to 12.30 pm and the aim is at least 200 blankets. Please go and help if you can.
     The District Assembly is on Saturday, 21 May. The details are in the email sent out to all members.
     Discon is 16 - 19 June at Mist Hills in Muldersdrift. Please consider going and if so, register as soon as possible.
     The new president will be inducted on Friday, 1 July. Details to follow. We still have to find a date for the Club Assembly.
     On Friday, 15 July we'll gather at the Cheese Gourmet in Linden for a food and wine evening with the Rotary Club of Rosebank. The costs and other details will be communicated as soon as they are available.
     A Thought for the Week: The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. - Niccolo Machiavelli, political philosopher and author (1469-1527)

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