Monday 18 April 2016

Let the Good Times Roll!

A big Thank You to everybody who made the Membership Evening such a success on Wednesday night. First of all, thank you to all our guests. There were 13 of them if you count Rob, Robyn and Graham as guests and who knows, we might just snare one or two for the club. We certainly tried our best to persuade them.
     Thank you too to all the members who brought guests. Social evenings have netted us new members before and will hopefully do so again.
     Lastly, a big thank you to the Parkview Golf Club, who looked after us so well and helped to make the evening such a success.
Robyn, Jan, Ian and Derek with wine and pizza. What more can you ask for?
At the other end of the table Sam and Rob (newly engaged) engaged with their friends Kirsty, Dave, Richard and Michele
The three Fs, Fana Frense and Frayne getting up close and personal
Linda and Mike MacDonald, who has done so much to help New Dawn
Jenine, Jan and Mike having fun
Joan talking cheese and all things food with Brian and Jo
And Ronnie said: "Jump so high" and he jumped! Amina with Derek
Judy trying her best to get Graham back into the fold
Judy and Greg enjoy the Highveld evening on the stoep
Debbie with Greg and no, that's no mistake, their guest was also a Greg!
     Everyone agreed that the format worked well, especially as the club had put out tables and chairs for about 30 people on the verandah of the clubhouse on a beautifully warm Highveld evening. The pizzas were great, the wine and beer flowed and the conversation was stimulating. What more could you ask for!
     It's now up to members to try to entice their guests to a meeting or two to see if they will join the club.
     Other news: For those who haven't been around, the new board from 1 July will be:
President - Mike Vink
IPP - Jankees Sligcher
Foundation - Paul Kasango
Secretary - Carol Stier
Treasurer - Joan Donet
Membership - Debbie Smith
Projects - Frayne Mathijs
     Dates to diarise: 16 - 19 June - Discon at Misty Hills in Muldersdrift. Jankees has asked that everybody make the effort to be there at least for the Friday night function. 1 July - induction; 15 July - food, cheese and wine evening at the Cheese Gourmet in Linden.
     A thought for the week: Words without thoughts never to heaven go. - Shakespeare (1564-1616)

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