Monday 21 March 2016

Easter Holiday Cheer Thanks to New Dawn

Eva-Lotta Jansson
Interesting speakers are the lifeblood of a club, so congratulations to everyone who has been involved in getting speakers to the club this year.
     Eva-Lotta Jansson certainly fell into this category at last Wednesday's meeting, when she spoke about her book An Acid River Runs Through It about a problem right on the Witwatersrand's doorstep.
     It's easy to forget that we live in a mining town that has grown out of it's breeches over the past century, but that is because many of us don't live in those parts directly affected by acid water from mostly disused mines.
     Eva-Lotta, a photojournalist, reminded us of the danger this has become to many people and her talk was a sure indication why water and sanitation are one of the chief areas of concern for Rotary.
     On President Jankees' instigation, she'll be talking to other Rotary clubs in the district, most notably to those in affected areas.
     Speaking of Jankees, he turned a sprightly 66 this past week, so congratulations to him, and to Judy for putting up with him for so long!

     I'm not sure I'd go as far as Jenine did in her WhatsApp message to congratulate Jankees. This message would surely have worked better for Carol, who also celebrated her birthday this past week!
     Anyway, congratulations to both of you, one a pillar of strength in the club, and the other fast becoming one.
     Congratulations too to Sam Donet on her engagement to Rob De Verneuil, whom many of us know from the cycle races.
     Eva-Lotta shared the stage with two other very special guests last week, in the form of Mathabo Khosa, a Grade 11 pupil at Macauley House, who has been chosen as a Short Term Exchange Program student to Germany.
Michael tells the club about his experiences in Germany.
     Paul Kasango's son Michael, who had the privilege of being on the program last year, gave feedback on his experience. He is clearly a talented and well spoken young man who benefited greatly from his experience.
An Easter feast for the patients and staff at Woodside.

     It's Easter and the club has spent the past few weeks collecting Easter eggs for the people at Woodside and the Christ Church Christian Care Centre. Thanks very much to everyone for your generosity. Jenine has already delivered to Woodside and the kids and staff at the 5 Cees will be getting theirs on Wednesday.
A week in the Kruger National Park sure gets the batteries recharged!
     And finally: Because so many members are away, the meeting this week (23rd March) has been cancelled, but we'll definitely meet again on the 30th, even if it is a fifth Wednesday. The long weekends have been an opportunity for a bit of rest and relaxation. Hopefully this will be an opportunity for everyone to get back to Rotary with recharged batteries after Easter. There is much to be done.
     A Date to Remember: Wednesday, 13th April at 6.30 for 7pm will be the date for the Membership evening at Parkview Golf Club. We'll be joining ordinary members in the bar/lounge area. Pizza and other food on the regular menu will be available for those who wish to make an evening of it. Please remember to bring guests, especially if they're prospective members, and remember to introduce them to other New Dawn members.
     A Thought for the Week: I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know; the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve. - Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965).

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