Sunday 31 August 2014

Pink Drive, Award and other news

A nice surprise!

Pink Drive, Award, Blog, Venue, Golf Day and Gala Dinner

Pink Drive

Wednesday we were trying out the potentially new venue with a speaker. Noelene Kotschan from Pink Drive gave us some background on how it started and also her involvement with the CANSA Shavathon. She is a very inspiring lady and Pink Drive is doing some amazing work in South Africa. They have two mobile units for breast examinations and three educational vehicles. 

To date they have provided more than 5,000 free mammograms, 60,000 breast examinations and educated more than 90,000 people. They keep on working at expanding their services and have recently added their first mobile Woman's Health unit.


A nice surprise, our certificate have decided to join us :-) 
During DISCON 2014 IPDG Anneas awarded the club with a District Excellence Award. The certificate went missing and I guess did the rounds wherever. Our AG Ferdi Heyneke tracked it down and rescued the certificate from its captors. It was handed to IPP Joan Donet at the meeting and she was all smiles, rather a little late than never!! Congratulations to Joan and the Club.


Linda Vink have printed the latest volume of our Blog. This is number 5 in the ongoing saga of our Club. A BIG thank you to Linda for printing and binding the volumes.


Wednesday's meeting at Parkview was part of the investigation if the venue could work for the club. The meeting went well and since the staff were expecting us, the ordering and delivery of the meals were smooth sailing. President Steve did an email ballot to decide if the club should change venue. He outlined both venues and the members could vote privately or publicly if they so choose. The results of the ballot are as follows: 

Members in Club: 23
Members participating: 17
Yes: 14
No: 2
Undecided: 1

The majority voted Yes so we will be moving to the new venue. Thank you to all members participating and may the club grow from strength to strength at the new venue.

Golf Day

Our annual golf day is approaching fast and as usual there will be a "Barrow of Booze" as a raffle prize. Member who want to donate some of that booze in the cabinets, lockers, cases or cellars can do so by bringing a bottle or two to the next meeting. Let's fill the barrow and see who will be winning all that booze this year!!

Gala Dinner

Members who are available to waiter at the dinner must please contact Linda Vink. It is a worthy cause and let us support them and the club.

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