Saturday, 4 December 2010

"A Merry Christmas one and all" said Tiny Tim.

 Happy Christmas everyone and welcome to our Christmas Breakfast.  This has become a tradition in the Club on our last meeting before the holidays when everything in Johannesburg closes down and many of our inhabitants rush, like lemmings, to the coast.  Don't forget to bring a "Non-gender Specific" or "Bi-sexual" Present.  Maximum Cost R50.  There will be a lucky dip for them.  There will be an edition of the blog next week so that you can see yourselves jolificating under the benevolent gaze of President Santa Donet.

Our speaker last week, Luschka Dearle, showed us exactly what had happened to the 15 wheel chairs we donated to the community in Daveyton.  She told us about her trips to Daveyton and the reaction to the new wheel chairs.  It just shows how worthwhile this continuing Wheel Chair Project is under Lucille Blumberg's direction.  Many thanks, Lucille and Luschka, for everything you are doing!

Even the Club members looked serious!
 The CCCCC Lavatory Dinner on Thursday was a tremendous success.  Not only was it a really entertaining evening with wonderful food but it was socially great fun and, most important of all, our target was exceeded! So the CCCCC's will get their loos!  President Graham Donet and Mike Vink worked hard in the kitchen and they were ably assisted by a number of other Rotarians and Chefs' Association students.  Thank you everyone, particularly those who provided the auction items and especially those who bid for them!  We are so lucky to be able to use the SA Chefs' Association Skills Kitchen for functions like this and we have Graham and the SA Chefs' Association to thank as it makes functions like this a viable proposition.

 This is our last meeting until the 12th January, 2011.  The President & Board of the Rotary Club of Johannesburg New Dawn wish everyone who reads this blog a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

The Rotary International website is scheduled for maintenance 4-5 December. During this time, part or all of the website may be unavailable. The entire site is scheduled to be back online Monday, 6 December.

Aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten an der Website von Rotary International ist auf deren Seiten vom 4.-5. Dezember kein bzw. lediglich ein beschränkter Zugriff möglich. Der komplette Zugriff auf alle Seiten ist wieder möglich ab Montag, den 6. Dezember.

Debido a una operación de mantenimiento programada, todo o parte del sitio web de Rotary International no estará disponible el 4 y el 5 de diciembre. El sitio completo volverá a estar disponible con total normalidad el lunes 6 de diciembre.

En raison d'une opération de maintenance, tout ou certaines parties du site Web du Rotary International pourront être indisponibles les 4 et 5 décembre. L’intégralité du site sera de nouveau accessible lundi 6 décembre.

Il sito web del Rotary International sarà aggiornato durante le giornate del 4-5 dicembre e durante questo periodo ci saranno diverse interruzioni di servizio. L’intero sito sarà di nuovo online lunedì, 6 dicembre.


국제로타리 웹 사이트는 12월 4-5일, 정기점검을 실시합니다. 정기점검 중에는 웹 사이트를 이용하실 수 없으며, 12월 6일부터 다시 정상적으로 운영됩니다.

O site do Rotary International estará em manutenção nos dias 4 e 5 de dezembro. Durante este período, algumas páginas não estarão disponíveis. Na segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro, todas as seções do site poderão ser acessadas normalmente.

Planerat underhåll kommer att utföras av Rotary Internationals webbplats 4-5 december. Under denna period kanske delar av eller hela webbplatsen inte kommer att vara tillgängliga. Hela webbplatsen ska enligt planerna vara online igen fr.o.m. måndag den 6 december.

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