Monday, 5 July 2010

Jenine last! A Business Meeting and Things that have been Happening!

Here, at last, is Jenine and her fascinating talk on her experiences in Haiti. It obviously had a profound effect on her just living in that environment with bodies just dumped on the top of mass graves and limb amputations going on all the time. Many thanks, Jenine, for sharing this with us and you can see her husband Steve slaving away at the laptop!

Here's President Graham's comments on the DG Francis Callard's Induction as the District Governor of the new District the two Past District Governors!

Joan and I represented the Club on Sunday at the Induction of the incoming District Governor, Francis Callard, and District Governor Anne, Janet Callard. It was also the induction of the new President of Northcliff Rotary Club, Paul Westcott, and the Anne President, Alison Turner. As it was the amalgamation of Districts 9300 and 9250 into the new District 9400, Francis was inducted by two District Governors, namely Beth Thomas and Albie Venter. The boys from the other side of the Jukskei certainly add colour to any occasion and this was no exception as we were all instructed to drink the bottle of blue “witblits” on the table! The blue colour refers to a certain rugby team on their side of the Jukskei! DG Francis thanked all at Northcliffe Rotary Club for their support and also thanked PDG Beth and Albie for all their support in the amalgamation of the two Districts. We sat at a table with the team from Bedfordview Rotary, including our very first AG Peter Mokabe. All in all a grand occasion and we look forward to a great year with a new DG and a new District!

Our donation of 20 wheelchairs to Woodside Sanctuary appeared in the Northcliffe newspaper but unfortunately it is in PDF format so I cannot post it on the blog. The spin off from that was a donation of mattresses by Woodside to our CCCCC Project through Rtn Hugh Rix who has kindly offered to offered to assist the 5 C's in showing them how to present for corporate funding which is a tremendous help.

This week's meeting is a Business Meeting but unfortunately both our President and our President Elect are away. We will let you know what came out of the first Board Meeting of the year but I think it will be more social than business!

I attended the last District 9300 Rotary Oscars Night and we did pick up a couple of awards about which I will tell you on Wednesday.

Finally I attended the Induction Dinner of Parktown Excalibur of which I am a Past President. I was very proud to see Jean receive a Paul Harris Fellowship for all her hard work for the Scout Movement over the last 45 years.

Here she is with President Ian Moore.

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