Tuesday 13 April 2010

The Lecture on Thursday - Change of Venue

The Venue for the Lecture has been changed owing to a UJ mix up. The Theatre seats 400 so we will rattle around in there a bit. Steven Friedman apologises but it was nothing to do with him.

There will be signs and people at the Council Chamber to re-direct people.

The Inaugural Rotary Club of Johannesburg New Dawn Public Lecture
in association with The Centre for the Study of Democracy
(a joint project of the University of Johannesburg & Rhodes University, Grahamstown)

"Demons & Democracy"
Mobility & the Limits of Citizenship in Contemporary South Africa

Professor Loren Landau, Director of the Forced Migration
Studies Programme at the University of the Witwatersrand
Thursday 15 April 2010
University of Johannesburg Council Chamber
Kingsway Campus.
All are Welcome. Admission Free.
Many incoming Rotary Ambassadorial Scholars have studied under Professor Loren Landau so it is very appropriate that he will give the Inaugural Lecture. We hope that many Rotarians, Ambassadorial Scholars, Exchange Students and Friends will attend.

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