Sunday 28 March 2010

It's the 5th Wednesday, Dave Morris, Farewell to Bert and Marja & Discon.

Please let Joan Donet know if you are coming on Wednesday Evening and how many others are coming with you. The cost is R121 per head including the gratuity. (I got it wrong last week!)

This is an official meeting so if you are unable to come please give your apologies as normal. Thanks to Allan Beuthin for organising the evening.

Dave Morris, Head of Safety and Sustainable Development at Anglo Base Metals, spoke to us last week on some of their Sustainable Development Projects around the world. It was a most interesting talk and dwelt on the importance of partnerships and we are hoping that we may be one of those partners in the future.

Dave is an amateur winemaker and he has donated wine for our evening at Mantra! Thanks, Dave.

One of the projects he talked about was Reel Gardening with seeds in an impregnated strip of paper so that all that is needed is to plant the strip to the depth of the paper and water. Unfortunately it cannot be copied onto the blog as it is in pdf. format so I have attached the pamphlet to the weekly email.

Last week was a sad occasion as we said goodbye to Bert Ettekoven and his wife Marja van Leeuwen on their return to The Netherlands. Bert joined us about 9 months ago and has done a lot for the Club.

Happily Marja is a member of the Rotary Club of Delft so we look forward to a close relationship with her club in the future. This must be first time they have sat at the same table during a meeting!

We also had a vist from a Danish Rotarian, Advocate Eli Heckscher who promised to see us agin next time he is in Johannesburg...maybe we can get him to give us a talk?

Here he is sitting between an unusually smart Don Lindsay. (He does own a tie!) And Peter Rolfe who looks like he always looks.

Unfortunately our April Public Lecture appeared in the February Snippets and not in the March Issue! All the more important that we promote it. Don is producing a poster for Wits, it is being circulated at UJ and I will send an email to all Club Presidents and keep my fingers crossed that we have a good Rotary presence.

Finally a few pictures of Jean and myself at Discon with Ganshyam.

No, the ship isn't about to sink! It's only lifeboat drill.

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