Monday 1 March 2010

The GSE Team cometh..........

It was a fascinating talk by our member Hugh Rix on Woodside Sanctuary. I don't think any of us realised just how much Woodside does.....the presentation on the screen says it all.

I don't any of us appreciated the on-going funding problem when you have adult residents who arrived as small children and they are there for their whole lives.

We are currently looking at the costs of installing solar water heating at Woodside.

This week we have the GSE Team presentation instead of our business meeting. It is a very busy week with the Team and I'm sure it will be most enjoyable.

Thank you everyone for the efforts you have made to make the GSE Team's visit to Johannesburg New Dawn a memorable one. It really has been a team effort initiated by Ian Widdop.

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of them but as we'll all be seeing them on Tuesday evening at the function at Twickenham Guest House organised by Mike & Linda Vink, and again on Wednesday morning for their presentation, you can be sure that next week's blog will be flooded with them.

Their names are Vikas Twari, Siddhi Joshi, Pranas Joshipura, Granshyam Acharya (Leader) and Devika Rathore. They would not thank me for using the photos attached to their application forms!

Finally a couple of comments on RYLA from the two learners we sponsored from the Dominican School, Jeppestown:

Thembi Masondo

Words cannot describe the wonder of the experience, yet I will try.

This trip has been an eye-opener; I have learnt brand-new life and leadership skills. The camp teachers and counsellors were helpful and patient with us, nursing us through every step of the way.

The mentally and physically challenging activities were fun-filled, and during these events we met extraordinary people who we may now call friends. We are already thinking of a reunion, and will keep in touch via Facebook.

It was a life-changing experience, and I have returned ready to tackle any challenges that come my way.

Remofiloe Sebobe:

The camp has challenged my perspective on leadership, and I now realise that being a leader requires the humility of also being a follower. No matter what life throws my way, thanks to the weekend hosted by RYLA, I feel prepared to tackle these challenges without hesitation.

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