Sunday 31 January 2010

A Sophiatown Proposition, a New Member and a Gift to Mercy Shelters for Homeless People.

Professor Jimmy Ellis of UJ spoke to us most eloquen
tly about his dream for a Sophiatown Heritage Centre that he had tried to implement through the old Rand Afrikaans University. It was interesting proposition when we think of our planned involvement with future Sophiatown inspired projects.

Also it was a great pleasure welcoming Peter Rolfe to the Club.

He wore a short-sleeved shirt that was bullet proof so it was impossible to pin the badge on him. He is the first member of the Club to have the classification "Information Technology".
Last week saw Lucille Blumberg handing over 3 Medical Packs for each of the Mercy Centres for Homeless People. We met at Immaculata Hall in Rosebank and Lucille handed over the packs. She will now train people from each shelter in their use and show what records should be kept. The Club has undertaken to maintain them. The next step is to provide a portable lockable library at Immaculata. Linda Vink is busy taking notes whilst talking to Sr Evangelist for an article for the local rag, Jankees Sligcher took the pictures whilst Graham Donet and I smiled a lot and ate the biscuits! Many thanks to everyone involved.

This week is a Business Meeting but as most of the business was conducted at our Club Assembly it should be a mainly social meeting.

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