Sunday 2 August 2009

Red Chamber & Meet the Cousins

Our Red Chamber Evening Meeting was great fun
and the food was wonderful. 25 of us sat down to eat
and everyone enjoyed themselves. Unfortunately Emma Chen
was unable to join us as her 80 year-old father is very ill and she had to
fly to Taiwan to be at his bedside. Our good wishes to her and her family.
A pity that she was unable to see the success or otherwise of her chopstick talk!
Meet the Cousins was held in Midrand on Freezing Saturday!
Fortunately the venue was warm. Graham and I attended but
practically separately as we both had other things on with
a brief overlap. The importance of these functions is really networking.
I came away feeling that we will all be enriched by the merged district
as our current distict is really just Clubs around the Reef.
Now we will have Swaziland, Mozambique and lots of Clubs in between.
That can only be more fun!
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