Sunday 12 July 2009

A Successful DG's Visit & Dr Brendon Hausberger

Thank you everyone for making the DG's Visit so easy and painless. Thanks to all the Board Members who were succinct and to the point so that it gave DG Beth Thomas plenty of time to talk to us and we were able to finish on time. Thank you Beth for fitting in with us so easily. She and our ADG Terry Hime had a meeting with myself, Graham Donet (Secretary) and Ken Malmqvist (Treasurer) immediately afterwards. I have already spoken to those of you affected by some of her suggestions.

Our speaker this week, Brendon Hausberger,
heads up The Centre for Material & Process Synthesis at Wits. If you understand what that is you are much more of a scientist than I am! He is particularly interested in the reduction of carbon emissions and spends quite a bit of time in China on a Fuel from Coal Project. He will be talking on "Taking South African Know how to the World" which is exactly what he tries to do.

Tracey Matube sent everyone an email on Membership asking for details of prospective members so that she can monitor it effectively. Please don't forget to get back to her. We have a target of 30 members by the end of June 2010 and that is certainly achievable.

Emma Chen is delighted that we will be visiting Red Chamber on the 29th July and is preparing a special dinner for us. As soon as know the menu and the cost I will let you know.

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