Wednesday 22 July 2009

Marja van der Leeuwen & Bert Ettekoven home in Delft and now back in Johannesburg.

Last Friday Bert and I have visited the Rotary Club of Delft in the Netherlands, Bert as a guest and I as a member. RC Delft has already been launched in 1936. Nowadays we have 64 members. Every Friday there is a meeting during lunchtime.

I promised Don to wear the tiara when visiting the Dutch club and Bert has taken some pictures.
I explained to the fellow members of RC Delft about the tradition of wearing tiara's in RC New Dawn. They all found it a very funny habit.

Bert has asked the President of the Club, Edith, to think about a joint project in Joburg. She has promised to discuss it within the club.

After our short speeches the lunch had begun.

Marja van der Leeuwen

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