Tuesday 7 July 2009

The DG's Visit, a Club Assembly & Eating Chinese.

Welcome, Beth and Terry, to New Dawn.

The meeting takes the form of a Club Assembly and the agenda has already been sent to everyone. We will whizz through it as quickly as we can to allow as much time for Beth's chat and discussion as possible.

Anthony Egan's somewhat eccentric talk on The Philippines last week was quite entertaining. I didn't realise that we had seen so much of it on film.

At the Board Meeting yesterday we discussed our 5th Wednesday Evening Meeting on the 29th July. As Emma Chen gave us such an entertaining talk on Chinese Table Manners we thought it was a good idea to go to her restaurant, Red Chamber in Hyde Park, to show just how civilised we can be. Watch this space!

Don't think of this as my blog, it's the Club Blog so if there is anything that you would like to contribute, pictures, whatever, just send them to me. I will be asking you to add something in the future anyway so Beware!

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