Sunday 28 June 2009

Fr Anthony Egan SJ amongst other things.


Here's a rather serious picture of our speaker this week. Anthony Egan is an interesting multifaceted person. He's a Jesuit priest who did his "formation" as a Jesuit in the Philippines. He is an ethicist and lectures in Ethics at St Augustine's College yet his Doctorate is in politics.

He reviews books for The Mail & Guardian (not religious ones) and he also reviews films.

He is often on discussion panels with Steven Friedman & Adam Habib so I'm sure we'll have an interesting talk!

I attended two committee meetings this week:

Projects: It is important that we look at one project that stands out as our club project for which we are able to apply for overseas funding and yet has a multidisciplinary approach so that everyone in the club has a contribution to make. It was exciting hearing what the Projects Committee had to say and how they are really moving in this direction. I can't wait to hear what they come up with in the future when they present their ideas to the club for discussion and your approval. Congratulations to Paul and his team.

Administration: This committee is the one that runs the club. It was wonderful to see how everyone had become aware of the focus of the committee and their own individual function within the structure. Allan and his team are obviously making sure that we have a great year ahead of us.

I still haven't received the photos of the Induction Dinner from Roger Wellsted but I will publish them as soon as I get them.

I will be asking the various Directors on the Board to contribute to this blog from time to time and anyone in the club who wants to add something is welcome to do so....just email it to me, photos as well!

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