Sunday 14 June 2009

The AGM & Emma Chen

Thanks for making the AGM so short and allowing us time to chat. Thanks to everyone who had to produce reports for getting them out on time so that we all had them before hand and discussion was minimalist!

Our speaker this week is Emma Chen who is an alumnus of RAU, Wits and the University of Taiwan so her natural inclination was to open a restaurant!

She has always tried to bridge the divide between the Orient & the Occident by using food as an opening to Chinese culture. Her family come from the North of China and she has been very helpful to me in my growing understanding of the four main Chinese cuisines.

In our forthcoming events you will see that our new District Governor will be visiting us on the 8th July which would normally be a Business Meeting. It will, in practise, be a Club Assembly so please make every effort to attend. The DG's visit is very early in the new Rotary Year. As nothing much will have happened we can promise performance and not have to show any!

Looking forward to seeing you all at the Induction Dinner on Saturday 20th June.

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