Sunday 24 May 2009

District Assembly - Sat 23rd June, Midrand High School

The District Assembly was, like the proverbial Curate's Egg, good in parts.  Don Lindsay, Allan Beuthin, Ken Malmqvist, Claudine Storbeck, Ian Widdop and Paul Kasango kept me company there.  The important thing is what we gained and everyone got something out of it ....and we came away with something as well, a Nike Soccer Ball!

DG Elect Beth Thomas introduced a parnership with the Gauteng Alliance for Street Children and Nike  called "Score Against Child Mortality" .  A skills development programme in soccer, Life Skills and Values Training.  There were 10 soccer balls on offer for Rotary Clubs who would adopt a team for the next year.  What an easy thing and fun thing to do.  We own a soccer team!  Ian Widdop is currently holding the ball and we'll let him explain it on Wednesday.

I thought we would be lucky to have a team because of the demand but only five balls were taken.

Here is Beth Thomas talking to Presidents Elect and a ra ra talk from Rotary International Vice President Monty Audenart from Canada.  He must have felt at home given the temperature in the classroom!

The Video in the Video Column this week is Freddy Mercury...Queen Rules!

See below for last week's meeting.

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