Saturday 11 April 2009

The Blog, PETS and other things...

You will notice that I have added some videos that may relate the our club... Also web links, not only to the RI website and the District one but also to websites that are related to members. If I have missed anyone out just feed me the link and I'll add it. If there is anything else you feel might be fun to have on the blog just let me know.

PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) was held at Benoni Country Club on Saturday 4th March. Registration was at 7,30am but it did mean that we didn't have to spend all day there. There was lunch but you could leave before that if you wanted to. There were presentations by the chairs of various District Committees and our incoming DG Beth Thomas had obviously impressed upon all of them that they only had 5 minutes! Some over-ran but not drastically!

Beth set the tone for a relaxed informal but informative seminar right from the word go and so it proved to be. The most important aspects of the Seminar from my point of view were:

  • that we had been selected as one of the host clubs for the GSE Team from the Philippines 30th October to 28th November
  • the emphasis on Water & Sanitation that is an RI theme for the new Rotary year fits in well with the skills that we have in the club and we must give it some thought when we discuss projects and fund raising

  • Two of the girls from Mcauley House School who spoke to us a couple of weeks ago gave a presentation on Interact. They asked me if we couldn't sponsor a Rotaract Club for them after they turn 18 and have left school. I said that of course we would

  • The District Conference takes up one day of a cruise from Friday 12th - Monday 15th March 2010 to Mozambique Island on the Sinfonia. The Conference costs are R250 per head and the cruise costs range from R2 651 to R4 478 per person sharing - quickly booked a cheap inside cabin..even that is posher than steerage on Union Castle!

  • District Assembly, Sat 23rd May, is important to attend, especially for incoming Board Members, as there are break-away sessions that specifically relate to your functions within the club. Please diarise.

PETS was well run and informative. I must admit that I am not a natural conformist when it comes to these things and can generally think up 101 reasons why I don't need to be there. In fact I do need to be there.

Wednesday 29th April. We had such fun eating Portuguese last time that we thought we'd do it again but this time at Adega do Monge, 32 Roberts Ave, Kensington. This is the original restaurant and is nothing to do with the franchise. Jorge Cruz has promised us a great meal for R160 per head. Book with me before Monday 27th April.

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